Thursday, December 2, 2010


**********COMMENTS ARE CLOSED*************

Nicole (elociNNNicole) was the last comment I will be counting in the giveaway. Thanks and stay tuned for the winner!

Hello and Welcome! Well, here it is... I hope you all get excited as I am! If you're just coming into the blog this giveaway is in honor of Tim Holtz and the Twelve tags of Christmas going on over at his blog. If you haven't heard about the tags, then go check it out! He makes these super-amazing-creative tags every year for 12 nights in a row. They're to die for! I also have to give a HUGE shout-out to the phenomenal Mario for being so generous in the great big world of twitter. He's supplied some of the fantastic loot you're going to see below!

Well... if you saw my post from yesterday, this is the little somethin' somethin' that I found in the back of my craft closet the other day when cleaning it out. I don't think these are around anymore, because when I bought it it was a limited item already, and that was two years ago. I had attended Creative Escape here in Arizona and we had a class with Tim....

We made this lovely frame with removeable pin. Yup, the heart with wings and idea-ology embellishments can be removed from the frame and worn on your shirt or Tim apron. Now you don't get the one I made in class... because well, I made it already, and I love it. BUT, I happened to get my hands on after class another kit! There were a few kits left from each class at Creative Escape and they went like hotcakes, let me tell you! And you KNOW who's class kit's went first! So, you get the FULL Creative Escape kit from Tim's class...

I will print you full color instructions from the Creative Escape manual and then you get multiple collage papers, the frame, ideaology, full sheet of grungeboard shapes, glossy accents, crackle paint, etc... The only thing you really need on your own is some distress ink... oh, wait a second...

I think there might be some distress inks SOMEWHERE in this stash of goodies!!! Should I spell it all out for you...

-1 package of 12x12 grungepaper
- 1 package of idea-ology word tokens
- 1 Ranger Ink craft scraper (great on your craft mat!)
- 3 Tim Holtz Distress inks; forest moss, chipped saphire and victorian velvet
- 10 Tim Holtz Distress Stickles (TEN!!!!)
- 1 package of idea-ology film strip ribbon
- 1 bottle of Rock Candy Crackle paint
- 1 Fiskars Hand drill (great for your mixed-media projects)
- 1 package of idea-ology hitch fasteners
- 1 alcohol ink/distress ink tool (comes with felt pads, not foam)

And, well.... that's it!!! You have until Monday afternoon to post a comment to win! Also, as an added bonus, if you go through a couple of my previous "Tim" projects from the past (links below) and let me know which one is your favorite, you will get an extra chance in the drawing! AND if you're following Tim's blog and have created ANY of the 12 tags thus far inspired by his, and have posted photos on a FlickR or blog or other online medium, give me a link in your comment so I can check them out and you will get another chance at the prize! I will draw a name and post it around 4pm Monday, December 6, 2010 (Arizona time) and will get the winner their prize out pronto! Happy Holidays and Happy 12 Tags of Tim!!!

(p.s. Leave all of your comments on THIS post! I will try and wrangle in any stragglers, but please leave your favorite project and links in the comments of THIS post! THANK YOU!!!!)

YourStory heat-binded Grungebook

Grungeboard Book and Altered Box

"Darbie," the Distressed Barbie

Altered Curio Cabinet

All Things Tim Pennant Swap


  1. I look forward to Tim's tags each year and have a blast following Mario on Twitter. I must say that I'd never been to your blog before, so this is a nice discovery for me!

  2. well Sara! I have just taken a ride on your blog and I must say...WOWSER! I luv Tim and that brain of his too and will be tackling the tags this year (as soon as some supplies show up!)for my first time. Tim's classes have been my fav's as well. I went back to all the projects you sent us too..luv them all, but the curio is TO DIE FOR! You did such a nice job! I so want that class to come to MI, but I fear it won't..but if it is ever close by...IM GOING! Ty for inviting us to have a worth it! Dec 6th is my birthday so I am hoping you pick me! lol...good luck to all!

    cher from ATT

    hilly77 at comcast dot net

    ps I follow now!

  3. wow, awesome giveaway! I tried to do Tim's tags last year and never got around to it. I did day 1 and am working on day 2 now!

  4. Well, it's always hard to choose a favorite project, but I think I will cast my vote for the grungeboard mini book in the altered book & chest. You did an awesome job with that one.
    Great blog, this was my first visit, lots of cool inspiration.

  5. hands down, my favorite project of yours is "Darbie the Distressed Barbie"!! Hilarious!

  6. I thought Darbie the distressed Barbie pretty cool.

  7. you work...esp. that book you put together.

    Thanks for the super cool giveaway.

  8. Tim and Twitter sent me, and man, am I thankful! Lots of inspiration to be found on your wonderful blog! I have to say, I am torn on a favorite past project. I absolutely adore the box and book, and the YourStory book is wonderful too. I think the curio is beautiful (I took a class with Tim recently a made a Halloween themed one and had the best time, so that project recalls special memories, as well!) but I have to say that my neck and neck favorites are the pennants and Darbie. The pennants are stunning, and I want very badly to make some myself and hang them all over my house (unless, of course, you will make them for me, hint hint.) And Darbie is the best Barbie ever, and I say this from the bottom of my former-9-year-old-who-loved-them heart. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful work! You, like Tim, inspire me!

  9. Frankly, anything Tim creates stirs my heart! And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the 12 Tags projects!
    First met Tim and Mario on Carol Duval's cruise in 2006, and have followed him since. Mario ROCKS as the King of Twitter!

  10. This is so cool!! What a great give away. Thanks for the opportunity to win. My favorite is your latest grunge book. It is fabulous! I actually have been working on my book for the tags and have not done the tags yet. I am working on the first one.


  11. Seriously, I just don't understand why Tim does not do the 25 tags of Christmas....

  12. Wow!! This is very cool... I took a quick peek at your blog and will look at more later. Awesome art!

    Thanks for the give-away!

  13. I woudl have to say these are the ones I love the most

    Grungy Goodness -- Key to My Heart Box & Minibook

    All things Tim Pennant those.

    You are amazing. I cant wait to see what you create next.

  14. Wow that's a very cool kit. I would love a chance to win. Thanks.

  15. Wow! Awesome blog, loved looking at some of your past Tim projects and as a fellow Tim-a-holic, I'd have to say that the pennants are my favorite, don't get me wrong the curio is stunning but something about the pennants got my attention. This is my first year actually doing the 12 tags instead of just awww and owwing over them. I've completed the first 2, check them out if you like

    Thanks for the chance to win an awesome prize.

  16. I really liked the your story heat bound book. I've always wanted to try that system, and you've given us some great tips. Thanks.

  17. Thanks for sharing your blog link on the All Things Tim Group... I am very happy to be here... you've been cookin' up some beautiful stuff and Mario has been very generous, as usual! What a fantastic Giveaway! YeeeeeHa!

  18. Sara, I read about your blog on ATT and I'm so glad I did. I love it! My favorite of all your posts, is Darbie, how creative, have you showed this to Tim?
    I'm following you now and can't wait to see more. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. It would definately make my Christmas to win. Shari (cricutrookie)

  19. Love your blog!! All the artwork is amazing. My favorite though would have to be the grungebook and altered box. The pocket pages are great! Came here last night from Twitter and tonight from your ATT post. Thanks for the contest!

  20. For my second entry I read the five posts that you linked with the full intention of picking my favorite. I love them ALL and CAN"T do it. The Pennents? Each one unique and wonderful... I want the whole set. The Curio? Beyond cool... every niche a fun discovery. Beaugrungymously fantastic. Darbie Embracing Imperfection with her inky hands? Really? Your sense of humor is as large as your talent: off the charts! Pee in pants funny. Really. Grungeboard Book and the Altered Box? I NEED to take that class... so what if the Scrapbook store closed down... can't we do it at your house? And, um, the YourStory bound Grungebook? Love it! I see you did get a "stack", a "pad" of the Masters design. I'm sure you done made him proud. Will you be my friend? Not on Facebook. For reals : ) cause you rock!

  21. Wow wow wow. This an amazing opportunity! Thanks for offering this giveaway! Going to have to see how I can fulfill some of the other criteria to enter again!

  22. Love your blog! I'm a big Tim fan and I'd be over the moon to win your giveaway! LOL

    I love your curio.

    Here's the link to my tags:

    iamvictorias at gmail dot com

  23. Wow you are so generous. I have done Tim's tags every year and look forward to it sooo much. Here is a link to my latest Tim tag:

    I will post again when I have checked out your projects. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  24. Definitely loving your Distressed Darbie... hands down my favourite "new" idea in a long time... You do fabulous work sara!

  25. I am back to say your curio box is my favorite. It looks like it was so much fun to make and with the master too. I am envious. I also liked your grunge book too. I have never heard of that machine but it sounds interesting. My photos are under Donnas Timbits in the All Things Tim Group. Thanks again for being so generous.!

  26. I am so glad to have found your blog through Twitter and Tim Holtz! All of your projects are amazing but the one that really stands out to me is the curio box. Love all that good-ness! I am going to go sign up to follow your blog right now! Thanks for the chance to win that incredible kit!

  27. New to the "All Things Tim" group and saw your link about your contest. Checked out all of the past projects and have to say the "Darbie" Barbie has by vote. Maybe because she looks like me after distressing Tim's tags all day!

  28. I truly love this time of year, cause it is Tim Time!!!! and also Marion he is the sweetest! Every year I attend this lovely fest, and make those tags. my tags can be seens at my blog:
    I loved the walk around on yours. the piece of art I like the most is that cabinet love it so much!!!!

  29. Oh Boy! I think my favorite past project would have to be All Things Tim Pennants. I love how each pennant has its' own personality!

  30. Great to find your Blog and have a look at all your great work on here - lots of Inspiration. Awesome projects, but my favourite is the Key to my Heart Box and Mini Book. Gorgeous colours and combininations of so many elements - just stunning!

  31. It is a hard decision, but I I think I like the grunge board book and box the best. Would love to try something like this because i have so many boxes of "saved" items that i would like to use up.
    I would love to win your prize - you are so generous. judy

  32. hi- great blog. I'm sort of a "newbie" Tim fan.I want to get busy & try some of his tags this yr.
    I think I liked the the curio cabinet the best.
    ( ATT member)

  33. I went to Creative Escape this year and was so disapointed Tim wasn't there. I would LOVE to have something he designed for CE.

    Pam in KC

  34. Hi This is my first visit here, great blog! I love the altered curio Cabinet, would love the opportunity to pick through all those goodies.

  35. Your altered curio cabinet is just an impressive work of art. I am currently shopping for vintage finds to use in one of my own.

    Pam in KC

  36. What an amazing giveaway, thank you so much for the opportunity. I, too, and loving the 12 Tags and plan to get working on mine this weekend!

  37. Love your blog, and your projects, but hands down, Darbie is my favorite. Inky fingers and all.
    I have been doing the tags for the past 3 years, and this year I'm doing 2 a as I normally would, and one using more of Wendy Vecchi's stamps. Great fun.
    You can find my stuff here:

  38. Wow! Your blog is awesome! I love all the projects, why do I have to choose just one!!?? But if I do, it will be the curio cabinet! I just love your composition, it is perfect! Thanks for the opportunities to win some Tim stash! I need it to make his Christmas tags!! HAve a great day! stampinbetsy at yahoo dot com

  39. Ok, I couldn't wait until I was at home this evening! GIRL! This is a FANTASTIC giveaway! Or, as my DIL says, Holy Crapoli!

    But, pick ONE of your creations listed as a fav? Impossible! They're all favs! Darbie has brought me MANY chuckles - the altered curio cabinet has been THE example I've used when working on mine - the book & box just makes me drool - well, so does the heat-bound grungebook. (So does that mean by default, the pennants are my least fav, then? *lol*)

    I've got the beginnings of tag #1 on my blog ( .. does that count, too? *lol*

    Happy Friday!

  40. Oh, my - *amazing* prize, thanks so much for the chance to win! I think I love your Curio Cabinet best, it's fab x

  41. Sara I really like your mini grunge-board book. All your art is fabulous. What a great giveaway. Thank you.

  42. Love the frame with a removable pin - so clever...need to try that with some of Tim's products!
    MC. from all things tim

  43. What an AWESOME giveaway!!! Count me in!!

  44. My fave project of yours - definitely the pennants!!! They are STUNNINGLY GORGEOUS!!!! Wow!!!

  45. Yep, I am trying to do the tags this year, for the first time. Here's a link to my blog -

  46. My very favorite of your linked projects was Darbie -- love her! :-)

    I've made tag one ( and tag two ( so far. Having a blast, as usual.

  47. I found your blog thru ATT and it is awesome!! I was going to say my fave project was the curio, until I saw your pennants. They are fantastic - some of the best I've ever seen. Very inspiring! I have been following along w/Tim's tags if you want to take a peek:

    Oh, and the Barbie is pretty fantastic too. :-)

  48. I love all the artwork on your blog, but I would have to say that my favorite peice would have to be the grungeboard book and altered box. All the pocket pages are wonderful! Very creative!

  49. Hi Sara! What gorgeous art you create! I found you thanks to Mario's tweet. :) I have to say, it's hard to choose a fave - I love your page about you (Let your Freak Flag Fly) <3 and Darbie is just sensational, but I think I will go with the triangle pennants - I would love to have those hanging in my space!! They are just divine!

  50. I am in the process of gathering products and familiarising myself with techniques - hopefully one day soon I will be able to create 'Tim' projects! You provide great inspiration.

  51. What a haul! Oh, should I be so lucky! OK, so my favorite of your projects is easy ... oh wait, I LOVE them ALL! Oh, which one, which one!!! Alright ... it's Darbie! Inky fingers and all! lol
    And, you can check out my tags from Days 1 & 2 on my blog at
    Now, I gotta put your blog in my favorites!

  52. bookmarked your blog and will be back frequently. what generous candy. i am so enjoying all the 12 tags activity, both on tim's site and other blogs. wish i had the time to keep up. but i am getting one of the dies delivered this week so will be able to get a few tags done sometime. thank you for the chance to win.

  53. you have some seriously cool projects on your blog. my favorite though is the altered curio cabinet. what a treat to have a day with tim. the pics of all the cool stuff. it must have been great.

  54. Ok, you're hysterical, but I think I've mentioned that before. lol. Hands down, my fave is Darbie, totally cool and creative. And, of course I'm doing the 12 tags, you can check it out HERE

  55. Sara, I made it here from the ATT group. I joined there a few months ago, but of course life got in the way and I'm trying to read a bunch of back posts. I've wandered through your blog and love it! Your pennants for the ATT swap were amazing. I especially loved the "time" and "journey" pennants. Also love the ornate frame piece that you put on the Your Story book! I'll definitely be back to read more! (and thanks for the chance to win an absolutely amazing give-away!)

    Luvs2scrap at aol dot com

  56. That loot is to dye for! Thank you for the opportunity. I have to say my favorite project is the altered curio cabinet (I'm soooo

  57. First, let me say that I'm happy to meet you! I found you while twittering with Mario.

    The altered curio cabinet is one of my favorites.

    Oooooh and I would just be tickled to win that kit you are giving away from Creative Escape! Oh yes, that would make me REALLY happy *smiles*

  58. I love all your projects, but "Darbie" has to be my favorite! What a clever crafter :-)

    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win a wonderful prize package.

  59. Found your blog thru Marios Twitter. I have to say your altered cabinet is wonderful. I went back thru your blog a bit and the ring you made was also so fun!

  60. Well girl where have you been hiding!!!I found you through Mario's tweets...then when I was looking through your Tim posts, I realized that I have one of your pennants from the ATT trade --Time-- and I just love it!!! So aside from loving your pennants, Darbie is my fave cause she makes me laugh -she looks so much better this way!!! Great giveaway -very generous....

  61. Enjoyed your blog. Some really great "TIM" inspired art work. My favorite was Darbie the Distressed Barbie. Too cool. Never had a Barbie but I do have a Barbie rubber stamp and an accompanying stamp that reads: "I want to be Barbie. The b**** has everything!


  62. Oh my goodness...what an amazing giveaway! Followed you over from Mario's twitter posts...and it goes without saying that I LOVE tim Holtz products and projects!
    Loving all your projects, but really, who wouldn't pick your distressed Barbie for creativity and uniqueness!! Wow!

  63. OMGOSH I think I would faint if I won all these goodies!! Thank you for the chance - I'm crazy for anything t!m
    Glad to have found you via twitter!

  64. I love the Grungeboard book and box you made the best! So cool ;-)

  65. Great Blog! Super cool blog swag! Love all the links to Distress Barbie and the amazing photo gallery with Tim and the curio cabinet! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the energy around TH and the 12 tags of Christmas! Cheers, Ruth

  66. I've posted 2 more Tim tags to my blog at and I'm also making them Wendy Vecchi style. I really love your pennants! Usually, I'm not into stuff like that, but when I saw the detailed photos, I almost fell over! Just breathtaking!

  67. Leaving another comment ... just 'cause I can! *rofl*
    Happy Monday!

  68. Reading your blog inspired me to join the "All Things Tim" group. I hope there will be future swaps that include the project that impressed me so much: your incredible pennants. Thanks again for sharing!

  69. I too am a Tim Holtz 12 tags fan! Love looking forward to each new's like a present every morning. I love your blog...I saw your post on twitter and looked your blog up. You are wonderfully creative! I have to say my favorite "Tim" project from your list was the Darbie! Love her inky fingers. Happy day!

  70. Awesome giveaway! I've been reading your tweets about it but never at a time where I was able to actually check it out. Hope I made it in time to be entered in the drawing!

    I really like Darbie's shoes! haha. they made me chuckle. Oh, the pennants have to be my favorite. they are just too beautiful.

    Great blog, btw!
