Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sketchbook Project 2011

Howdy there, boys and girls! This year I'm participating in something called the
Sketchbook Project through the Brooklyn Art House. In short, you pay a fee and get sent a moleskine journal (and NO it's not, mole skin, like the little animal... sheesh people) with a theme that you pick or have randomly picked. You basically let your mind wander and fill the sketchbook to your heART's content by the designated deadline and send it back to Brooklyn. After that it goes on a magical journey all over the country with hundreds, if not thousands, of other sketchbooks to other museums. People from everywhere and anywhere can pick up YOUR sketchbook and see your creations. I think it's pretty exciting.
I think I mentioned before how much of a twitter addict I am. Well, I've compiled a twitter list of other sketchbook project artists I've found on twitter and it's now at over 100 people. It's so much fun to scroll through everyone's tweets and see what they're up to and the progress they've made on their sketchbook. So, I would LOVE to have you on the list if you're participating! If you haven't already (because, really you should) join twitter. Then find me by clicking on the link in the side bar or search for PlainSaraJane22. You can either follow me and DM (direct message) me or just "reply" to me using @PlainSaraJane22 in your twitter message and let me know you're part of the sketchbook project. You can also "subscribe" to the list and that will prompt me to message you! Make sense? No? Leave a comment and I'll try to help!
So, without further ado, here are my first few pages. Let me preface this with saying, I AM NOT AN "artist." I have never taken an "art" class since high school, other than art history in college. I can't draw. I have wretched handwriting. I can doodle and draw stick figures. I put glitter and buttons on things.
Oh, one more thing, the official theme of my sketchbook is, "Things Found on Restaurant Napkins." I've always enjoyed short stories. I prefer a good book of short stories over a full novel. (Try Aimee Bender's "Girl in the Flammable Skirt") Hmmm... maybe I am ADD. Anyways, I decided since I'm not so good at the "sketching" part of the book, maybe I would focus on writing a bit more. So for each spread, I'm adhering a real paper napkin to one side of the book and decorating it. The other side will be dedicated to telling the story of the person who decorated the napkin on the opposite side. Again, am I making any sense? I hope so! Also, the PDF's are just files that have the journaling at a more easy to read size and font and supplies I used. Please be patient for it to load. Alright... alright...

Inside Cover

First Pages

Story of Steven PDF

Second Spread

So that's about it! Let me know if you have any questions. I'm hoping to start on the next spread tonight. And just to have fun and share, here are a couple other non-sketchbook project pages I've done in my personal sketchbook... Have a great weekend! Come back and visit real soon!


  1. Very cool. You should join some ATC Swaps!

  2. This is so cool, I can't even describe go girl!

  3. Well, I had this great comment here ... Blogger ate it. Let's try again ..

    Your pages are WONDERFUL! And you think you can't draw? Oh, you're so funny! Your sketches are great! How cool to be part of the Sketchbook project!!

    Can't wait to see more pages...

  4. Hi Sara, so glad you posted this. I love how you decided to tackle your theme,your pages are really great!
    Now I need some help with my is "in 5 minutes", any suggestions?

  5. how fun! I am so into altered journals right now...awesome! I am in need to do some blogging and catch up BADLY! love reading and seeing your stuff!

  6. YAY Sara!! AWESOMESAUCE! I love your pages! Did you rebind? WHo says you're not an artist? We are all BORN artists - some of us just forget. ;) Great job, hun! Can't wait to see more!

  7. I love your pages. They are all awesome. I really like the one with the quote about balance. Gorgeous page and interesting quote! Also, thanks for checking out my blog too.

  8. Your pages are amazing! I just ordered my sketch book with the same prompt... ive always thought there was something mysterious/cool about restaurant napkins :)

  9. I call myself an artist and feel ashamed when I found this post!

    Don't say you can't draw. You have absolutely wonderful pages here. You must have enjoyed it very much.

    I'm pretty slow with my own book but seeing your pages inspires me :-)

  10. Wow! I love your work and I don't believe you for a second when you say you are NOT AN ARTIST! You ARE! and you are amazing. I am participating in the same Sketch Book contest and I happen to have the same theme:) It's amazing how many different things you can do, I just recieved my book though and haven't started yet, but im looking forward to it!

  11. "Your moleskin has been sent" Can't wait...typed this into google and its the first thing I found.

    Cosmic brilliant idea you've had and just thought I'd post a message and look forward to seeing the completed book.

    I'm thinking about seeing how the mind acts and reacts, what makes a person write something on a napkin and how that effects them and others afterwards.

    Well done again! :)

  12. wow, this is a great start. all pages are beautiful. I'm in the project as well. My theme "in 5 min."
    Thanks for that twitter list. I'm following now. Great artists there

  13. This is just hilarious!! I am so glad to have found your's going to be the first thing I look at every day!

  14. This is a good common sense Blog. Very helpful to one who is just finding the resources about this part. It will certainly help educate me.

  15. I just wanted to add a comment here to mention thanks for you very nice ideas. Blogs are troublesome to run and time consuming thus I appreciate when I see well written material. Your time isn’t going to waste with your posts. Thanks so much and stick with it No doubt you will definitely reach your goals! have a great day!
