Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Finally... My New Scrapbook Studio

Alright, well, once I uploaded from the FlipVideo to Photobucket, the video seemed to get a bit shakier, who knows... deal with it, peoples. Just joking... but you kinda do have to... Also, nothing seems to like me online right now; Hopefully if you click that little thumbnail it will take you to the video. Trying to get a better quality version/embeddable video up on YouTube right now. Will update as soon as I can!

**OK now have the youtube version posted... FIVE hours later! LOL!!! I'll leave the photobucket link there, too, just incase!**

I LOVE my new scraproom. I really have my husband to thank for it, too. All of the white shelving came from a custom made dining room that he demo'd for a job. He told me he was bringing home some shelves for me, but I had no idea how beautiful and perfect they'd be! Not to mention, FREE. (That word makes me do a happy dance!) The island in the middle of the room is actually from our own master bathroom remodel and was the leftover counter/sink thingy. Matt stuck a peice of melamine on top of it and wheels on the bottom and I painted it blue. Oh, Matt also got the hard wood flooring in the room for FREE. (More happy dancing) We used to have carpet in here, but the wood flooring is just to die for. I was kind of itching to move out of this house, but I don't think I'll be leaving any time soon! It took my probably a good full month to move everything in here from the garage. I really wanted to make sure everything was organized and everything had its place. All of the clear and blue-topped storage bins you see are from the dollar store. Oh, how I love the dollar store... and you can imagine the looks I received buying $40 worth of plastic bins. But hey, $40 for storage is the most I spent on this new room. OK, well, the homemade clip-it-ups were about $20 a piece, but hey, who's counting pennies? hehehehe.... I love my room... It's been kind of a catch22 for Matt, because now I'm out of the garage, a.k.a. his man-cave, but I don't really leave the scrap room unless I need more diet pepsi, use the restroom or need to make dinner. I love that it's mine, I can listen to MY music, watch MY shows, make MY stuff... I hope you enjoy it, too! Let me know if you have any questions (or comments!)... Love you guys!




  1. I just found your very cute blog! Your scrapbook room makes me drool! Thanks for sharing!



  2. awesome sara i luv your new scraproom i totally wish i could have something even close to that you lucky lucky girl!!! you must have such an awesome hubby to have gotten you all that great stuff for your room!!have a nie day your friend from sb.com -Krysten a.k.a. Scrapin Fairy!!

  3. Absolutely amazing! I bet your fellow scrap booking friends are in awe.
