Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm Here! I'm Here!

Did you think I disappeared again? Nope! I didn't! I left up the grungy goodness up for my "All Things Tim" yahoo group to stop by and see. (Thanks ladies!) If you love Tim Holtz, you should definitely hop on over to yahoo groups and join up. So today I think I'll post our Christmas card I sent out to family and friends this year. All were handmade and the photos are actually magnetic so people can stick them on their refrigerators. (ps I don't reccomend doing this unless you don't mind paying a pretty penny on shipping... magnets=extra weight=extra money)

I also sent along a DVD I created with photos of the family throughout the year... if blogger likes me, it will post below. If you've been living under a rock for the past year, the song is Plain White T's, "1, 2, 3, 4." (Please don't sue me Plain White T's) I usually wouldn't choose something so kitschy, but I just couldn't help it. Also, if the video doesn't sync at the end with the girls' photos, I swear it does on the DVD. I painstakingly timed it for the DVD, and it wasn't easy. If you don't believe me, I have extra DVD's, I'll mail one to you just to prove it. hehehehe...

OK, and here's a non-Christmas-y thing; I made this as another possible class project. It's 3x5" canvas that are alcohol inked, as well as the clear buttons, and decorated with 1 sheet of 12x12 Websters patterned paper, wallet sized photos and MM mini-alphas (LOVE THESE!).

Tomorrow I'm hoping to post a couple Layouts I've been working on... yes, I still do layouts! I hope all is well out there in blog land. And, hey, by the way... SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SCRAPBOOK STORES! Two of my favorites, I-Scrap AZ and Mad Scrappers, are closing this month, not to mention the one I was teaching at closed back in October. I know times are tough, and scrapbooking supplies are usually the LAST things we need right now, but please support your LSS' and think twice before running into a Hobby Lobby, Michael's, Jo-Ann's or AC Moore. THANK YOU!


  1. cute video and great idea with the canvas!

  2. what a sweet video - and a great gift idea!
    the canvas is great! i may have to 'borrow' that idea... ;o)
