Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I finished this Layout last night and it has been the one I have been stuck on for over a week now. Again, almost as always, I'm not completely happy with it, but I just started glueing things down to fill up the negative space, just so it would be done and off my desk. What I am MOST proud of on this LO, is that I recycled an old mobile I had hanging from the girls fan in their bedroom. It wasn't something they could reach, but it had tons of mini, circular mirrors on it. I took it down, cleaned it up and stamped the three little mirrors with some Hero Art Stamps and Staz-On inks. Pretty happy with that outcome. Definitely something I will continute to do with the mirrors... especially since these were free and I'm not spending an arm and leg on Heidi Swapp circle mirrors.

This is all I've got for you today! Next week Emma starts school again, and hopefully I'll have some more scrappy/crafty time and will be able to post more. I also look forward to some *Top Secret* crafts I'm working on for http://www.scrapnart.com/. Yup, they accepted my first six submissions, and I'm just going to keep on giving them more of my Sara-Good-ness. So, I guess that means you will have to subscribe to their eZine to see what I've been creating, just for them. And I can guarantee it's extra special!

Hope you like the new Layout, and cross my fingers, it won't take me as long to get the next page done! Have a UBER-Great day, because I'm still on cloud nine!


  1. Love, love, love it, Sara! AWESOME JOB!!! Hey... I just saw one of your "Out for Publication" signs go by on your gallery... WOO HOO!!! You are ROCKING, Girl!
