Thursday, July 3, 2008

Welcome to the Craziness...

OK OK... so like it says in my profile, I've decided to start a blog because my poor friends were being subject to novel-sized emails about the crazy (or what I deem to be) antics of my life. And I really want to get serious with my scrapbooking and having a blog seems a good way to start! So, a little bit about me: I was born and raised and currently live in Arizona. I wear flip flops 365 days out of the year. I am married and have been a stay at home mom for two and a half years. Before that I had the glamorous job of medical billing. Before that I went to college and was an English major. Before that I went to Arcadia High School and enjoyed doing theater and reading books. Homework.... ehhhh.... not so much.

So, you're probably wondering why my blog is called, "Unleash the Fury," eh? Well, I have always had some sort or multiple creative outlets in my life. When I was younger I read books day and night; so much to the point my mom was afraid I had no friends or people skills so she enrolled in me in a theater workshop one summer which I begrudgingly attended. See, my last experience with theater was when I played one of the lullaby league munchkins in the, "Wizard of Oz," in 4th grade and I had to wear a tutu in front of the whole school. Not fun... I have very chubby thighs. But as it turned out, I LOVED this theater workshop. We had multiple classes on improv, pantomime (I can do a mean box), singing and working on our main production, "The Secret Garden." I remember wanting the main role of Mary SO BAD! I never thought in a million years I would get it, but I did! That's when the bug bit me. Opening night and all the flowers... oh the flowers... the applause and all the adrenalin combined with life-long friendships. It's amazing. I continued doing theater until college when my degree changed second semester. During those years, I also taught myself how to play piano and guitar, which I still enjoy doing. I also took some voice lessons with an AMAZING coach, Wendy Mullen. Yahtta Yahtta Yahtta....

Fast Forward because this is getting LONG already! (See, I told you what my friends had to go through.) I got married had kids and I started to scrapbook to make some gifts for my parents and inlaws. I was never really into the whole visual art thing or part of expressing myself visually. I have never been able to draw, paint, sketch, whatever... the most artistic thing I could draw were doodles on my notes to friends or entries into yearbooks. So the idea of putting things together that were already pretty and making something visually stimulating with them made sense to me. I started with a very small box of stuff, moved to a hall closet and now take up one car of our two car garage. To come to full circle, I love to unleash my creative fury on a scrapbook page or altered item. I have so much to say about life and I feel like scrapbooking is just one of the great artistic mediums I can do that through. By combining colors, patterns, textures, photos and journaling we cannot only pass on memories to later generations, record our triumphs and defeats, generate comfort within ourselves, but we can still inspire others to go on the same journey. That is my hope in this blog; to inspire everyone around me to tell the story of their life, because it is important, and to unleash their own creative fury.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope to do daily updates for the next week or so, to really put an imprint of my personality here. I will start to post some of my most recent and proudest scrap accomplishments and projects. Have a great day and Happy Fourth of July! Be safe!


  1. I am soooo glad you are blogging... sure, so I can read your novels along with hearing some great music, but I can hardly wait to see what you, Miss Artistic, will do with your blog! LOVING IT ALREADY!!!

    I also didn't know you went to Arcadia High... my Mom went to PCC... my Dad to Cal Tech... Mom grew up in Pasadena and we went to the Rose Parade every year... my Great Grandma "Gaga" had a house a block from the route so we used her house for bathroom stops and we young ones would sleep there while the adults slept out on the street to hold our spots. Now look who is posting a novel! Welcome to BLOGDOM!!! Woooo Hoooo!!!

  2. Oh, forgot to put that my Mom was a finalist (yep, one of the top 25) for the Rose Court two years in a row... I need to pull out those photos and do a layout...
