Thursday, July 31, 2008

See Mom, Dreams Really Do Come True...

OK, the title is sarcastic... but I'm SUPER DUPER excited!!! I have the most amazing news! What is it? Notice anything different around here? Maybe in my little gallery located on the right? Wait for it.... Wait for it.... Just kidding. So the BIG NEWS is I found out this morning is that I am going to have SIX, that's right SIX, of my layouts published in Scrap 'N Art Ezine! And that means I have a little "Out for Publication" photo in my gallery!!! WooHoo!!!! I was litterally jumping up and down; I couldn't read the email I received with the good news past the second paragraph before I started jumping in circles and screaming like a chicken with my head cut-off. That is, if I was in my own magical land, chickens would still be able to scream even with their heads cut-off. I was so excited to hear the AWESOME NEWS! This will be my first official publication, other than the next Rusty Pickle idea book, but I have no idea when that is coming out! I am so excited for this opportunity, I can't wait for further publications with this magazine as well. They are SO my style, which I'm told is "out of the box." MAKE SURE you go to and register (it's free) so that you will recieve a copy of the magazine when it comes out in November. Also, they have a totally awesome CHA giveaway going on right now and if you go to their site and leave a comment on the post, you just could very well win a super COOL grab bag of brand new products from CHA.
In other happy and scrappy news, my mom who is horrible with keeping secrets and who I have also dragged into this addiction called scrapping, gave it away that she bought me a Cricut Expression for my Birthday! Can I get a, "woo hoo?" If you DON'T know what a Cricut Expression is, it's a wonderful craft cutter that cuts all different types of paper, cardstock, magnet paper, chipboard, balsa wood, etc... from .75in" to 24" wide. Talk about unlimited possibilities! I'm so EXCITED for this!!! I already have Quickutz Silhouette, which cuts up to 12 inches wide, but the Cricut does all the really cool stuff. Plus, I just read that they're coming out with a power pack to take with you so you don't have to plug it in, and THEN it also has an additional accessory that is a solar panel you can hook up to the power pack, thus never having to plug your Cricut into a wall..... EVER!!! That's pretty cool, if you ask me. I'm most excited for the new deep housing blade that can cut chipboard, rubber stamp material and magnetic paper. And my mom also spilled that she bought me the new Design Cutting software that goes along with it and THREE font /decorateve cartridges! (Michael's has a deal) OK, so enough gushing.... but it is rather fun... hehehehe...

I'm still in a creative block with the LO I'm working on. BUT I did go to the LSS (Matt watched the kids so I could go celebrate my publication by buying some scrappy supplies) and I confess, I bought another five packs of American Crafts Thickers. My obsession with these alphabet stickers is beyond anything else. The fonts, the colors, the textures.... mmmm mmmm... delish. So I think I should be able to figure something out tonight after the girlies go to bed. Matt also left on a camping trip with the guys for three days, so I don't have to worry too much about making big meals and now I can watch my guilty pleasure of reality tv shows in peace. Maybe I'll even turn on some old Broadway Tunes and sing at the top of my lungs and dance around like a crazy person. We'll see... one never knows what happens in my world. After seeing, "Mamma Mia," I'm in the mood for some old-fashioned Abba. Hope you have had a great day! I know I've been floating all day!


Erika said...

YAY! That's so exciting! SIX publishings?!? They must have good taste--cause I love your work! Congrats!
SCHWEET birthday present! I've heard so much about them but I guess since I'm so new to scrapping..I've never seen on or played with it. Let me know how it is, I can't wait to see what you made from it! YAY! Enjoy your weekend singing ABBA. BTW, have you seen Wicked? My mom took me to see that in Chicago when we went on a shopping trip. I thought it was GREAT! I remember you're a fan of Wizard of I figured you've seen it. :o]
Ta-Ta for now...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! How fantastic, and much deserved.

Thanks for such wonderful comments on my blog. You're a keeper!

--Gracie at

Unknown said...

Dance around the room because you are a SUPER STAR, MISS SARA!!! I am so darn excited for you and this is just the start!!!

"Go Sara, it's your birthday... we're gonna party like it's your birthday..." WOOO HOOO!!!

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